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John Michael De Marco

As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), I partner with individuals in a thoughtful and creative process to help them maximize their personal and professional potential. As a non-fiction writer (The 4 Spheres of Intentional Living), I share insights and anecdotes for helping people to grow in physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement. As a fiction writer, I explore the perspectives, strengths, and flaws of modern suburbanites trying to find purpose and passion in a world constantly in flux. My personal values influence all of my work and the manner in which I attempt to live each day: * Striving for physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual health. * Becoming more self-aware and joyful through ongoing mindfulness practices. * Being kind and loving to people first and foremost, before any other agenda. * Taking good care of people and resources that are entrusted to me. * Learning as much as I can across disciplines, cultures, and geographies. * Writing prose that echoes what human beings experience. * Coaching and equipping people in a way that helps them thrive.

John Michael De Marco, Writer

As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), I partner with individuals in a thoughtful and creative process to help them maximize their personal and professional potential. As a non-fiction writer (The 4 Spheres of Intentional Living), I share insights and anecdotes for helping people to grow in physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual engagement. As a fiction writer, I explore the perspectives, strengths, and flaws of modern suburbanites trying to find purpose and passion in a world constantly in flux.


My personal values influence all of my work and the manner in which I attempt to live each day:

* Striving for physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual health.
* Becoming more self-aware and joyful through ongoing mindfulness practices.
* Being kind and loving to people first and foremost, before any other agenda.
* Taking good care of people and resources that are entrusted to me.
* Learning as much as I can across disciplines, cultures, and geographies.
* Writing prose that echoes what human beings experience.
* Coaching and equipping people in a way that helps them thrive.


 You can find all of my books and blogs at my web site, www.johnmichaeldemarco.com



